An ex-cult member's recovery journal
#coercive control

Memoir Over the Moon coming soon

Welcome to my blog - a journal of my recovery from my trauma and beliefs in a high-demand group (a.k.a. cult) and my journey to freedom and healing. It is the foundation for my developing memoir Over the Moon. At 19 I was recruited into a high-demand religious movement called the Unification Church, aka Family Federation for World Peace or 'the Moonies'. Some call it a cult. We had a new Messiah, the 'new Truth' and a blueprint to build the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.
This blog reveals my ongoing recovery and healing from cult, religious and sexual abuse, and associated trauma and beliefs. I also reflect on the positives of my community experience. It includes posts on the dynamics of high demand groups, cults, domestic abuse, memoir writing, and my 'whacky and wonderful, spiritual journey through the Moonie, other sects, New Age and Christianity. My About page shares more my stance on the word 'cult' and what this page is about.
I acknowledge that there are cultic people and behaviours in all religions and other human constructs too and that other members, past and present, of the Unification Church will have their own story. This blog and my upcoming memoir is mine.